Recorded webinar

Troubleshooting Cell-based Assays - Ask the Experts to Avoid Common Pitfalls from Cell Seeding to Analysis

The assessment of cell health and cellular responses after experimental manipulation continue to be a very important aspect of experimental biology. Reproducibility of cell-based assays is one of the key points when it comes to data reliability. Despite choosing the appropriate assay type there are many more factors to be considered to mitigate data variability. This joint Promega and Eppendorf webinar series gives a comprehensive overview of the cell culture workflow and introduce measures to maximize the outcome of your cell-based assay.

In this episode, our experts will review the most frequently asked questions, that have been collected over the past years, including:

  • When to ideally time an analysis?
  • Does the passage number influence experimental outcomes?
  • When to choose what detection mode?
  • How to select the appropriate microtiter plate?
  • What is the best method for detecting mycoplasma?

Join us to participate in the live Q&A session. If you can´t make it just register to receive the link to the recorded session.

Date & Time: October 7, 2021 at 7am PST, 10am EST, 4pm CET


  • Jessica Wagener, PhD, Application Specialist Cell Handling, Eppendorf AG
  • Erik Bonke, PhD, Application Specialist, Promega GmbH

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