Eppendorf Moments

  • Rhiarn Dec 03, 2020

    I remember spending week pipettes and fine tuning this PCR for an important sanger sequence whilst working as an RA.

    Tireless nights perfecting my extractrations, FEVERISHLY guarding my eppendorf p10 from all who entered as I could not afford ANY contamination.

    Late one night as we huddled around the computer as our sequences returned, we BLASTD the region of interest only to find....nothing. We broke. A few tears... then realised we had pulled the reference for Felis catus, not Canus Lupus! We check again, AND SUCCESS! Not only was it perfect and we could identify the genetic change, each sequence was perfect! All thanks to my reliable eppendorf p10

    Year – when did this happen: 2015

  • Peggy Dec 03, 2020

    Hello, to be honest, I don't remember my first eppendorf moment. But, I remember my daughters first Eppendorf moment very well. We were on holiday in Austria and one day we decided to go gold digging in Heiligenblut, at the base of Gross Glockner mountain. We all recieved a bucket, gold digger tray and an Eppi, to put in the gold we found.

    We spend a wonderfull afternoon "in the middle of nowhere", looking for gold. Of course, we did not find any. However, some crystals and shiny stones were found and my daughter all put them in her Eppi, it was her most precious belonging that day.

    At the end of the day we had to go back to our camp site and as we walked out of the park we stepped over a rough wooden deck with large openings between the boards. She tripped, fell and her Eppi, her most precious belonging felt through an opening and was nowhere to be found. She cried for more than an hour and the park was then closed. We had to go back home the following day and she had to wait a full year for her to go back gold digging again. That time she gave the Eppi to me before stepping on the wooden deck. She had not forgotten about it too....

    Year – when did this happen: 2016

    Location – where did this happen: Heiligenblut - Austria

  • Monique Dec 02, 2020

    At 16 or 17, my chemistry teacher participate in a 'microchemistry project'. This included a practical session for students. Transferring fluids with pipettes and Eppi's instead of titrating with the usual big glass work. I remember how working with these small volumes and new tools fascinated me.

    Now, more than 20 years later, these things are 'normal' as I work with them every day. Thank you for bringing back this memory!

    Year – when did this happen: 1997

    Location – where did this happen: Leiden - the Netherlands

  • Emil Dec 02, 2020

    I clearly remember from my undergraduate laboratory practicals , where equipment sometimes unfortunately get abused, it was the eppendorf pipettes that yielded the most accurate results. This was especially evident when we had to make standrad curves of various kinds. Everyone fought to use the eppendorf pipettes.

    Year – when did this happen: 2014

    Location – where did this happen: Lund

  • Dani Dec 02, 2020

    At the end of my first year of my PhD, we were finally given the budget to order new pipettes! Gone were the days of spring loaded pipettes which crippled your thumb and in came the Eppendorf Research Plus pipettes! From then on, everything changed! Assay set up got faster, CV% came down and my PCR results were stunning even whilst still pipetting whole plates with a single channel (the budget didn't stretch to multichannels). Fast forward to completing my PhD and moving into industry where my world changed again with the use of the Eppendorf multichannel and repeater pipettes. Thank you Eppendorf for your continued care of my thumbs!

    Year – when did this happen: 2015

    Location – where did this happen: UK

  • Javier Dec 02, 2020

    In our laboratory we had a -80ºC that kept breaking down and spoiling many experiments. Until one day we bought an eppendorf ultra -80ºC and never had any problems again.

    Year – when did this happen: 2014

    Location – where did this happen: Spain

  • Malte Dec 02, 2020

    I traded in a chromatography chamber for an old Multipette that I used for a new screening project. As I have now seen in the history of Eppendorf, the model came on the market in 1978. I still use this Multipette today, a great product.

    Year – when did this happen: 2009

    Location – where did this happen: Braunschweig

  • Christine Siligan Dec 02, 2020

    Start of my diploma thesis - getting an introduction to lab equipment from my supervisor.

    Stunned by all the equipment found in all laboratories. All these clever minds that must have set down and designed that stuff - Simple mechanisms to create tools for working with minimal volumes in a precise way.

    I remember feeling kind of proud to be allowed to use it all... and sill am.


    Year – when did this happen: 1999

    Location – where did this happen: Linz

  • Elisa Banchi Dec 02, 2020

    My Eppendorf Moment...when I started working with Eppendorf Research® plus pipettes!

    Their lightweight and precision allowed me to obtain reliable and reproducible results with my PCRs. I have been working in the lab for many years now, and Eppendorf Instruments are a guarantee of efficiency, from centrifuges to ThermoMixers.


    Year – when did this happen: 2011

    Location – where did this happen: Firenze, Italy

  • Agnieszka Dec 02, 2020

    The lab where I did my PhD used Eppendorf pipettes. We also had a bunch of those pipette-shaped giveaway pens. It always seems a bit weird to me that the pens do not accurately depict the actual pipettes. How suprised I was when I move to another lab and learned that they indeed were shaped as a real pipette but the old one, with round top and single button. Now my lab uses the newest model and incoming students won't ever learn the stuggle of pipetting with old and worn stuff.

    Location – where did this happen: 2005