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FREE Conference: June 24, 2021 / EMBL Advanced Training Centre, Heidelberg, Germany

In 1995 Eppendorf celebrated its 50th anniversary. To commemorate this, the company initiated an annual award for early career researchers for outstanding contributions to biomedical research – the Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators.

In 2020, we planned to celebrate 25 years of this prestigious prize, which is presented in partnership with Nature, with an event welcoming back Award Alumni to talk about their science and careers: The Young European Investigators Conference.

In response to the rapidly changing situation of the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19), the Young European Investigators Conference has been rescheduled to June 24, 2021.

The Young European Investigators Conference 2021 will be rounded off with the official prize ceremony for both the Award winners 2020 and 2021.

Event includes networking coffee breaks and lunch, and a dinner buffet  in the evening. This free one-day conference is open to all scientists in biomedical research.


Registrations welcome from October 1, 2020, onwards

Visit here our Award website!


Scientific Program Organizers


Simon Boulton
The Francis Crick Institute • United

Óscar Fernández-Capetillo
CNIO • Spain
Karolinska Institute • Sweden




Andrea Ablasser
EPFL • Switzerland

Jean Pieters
University of Basel • Switzerland


Dario Alessi
University of Dundee • United Kingdom

Randall Platt
ETH Zurich • Switzerland


Silvia Arber
University of Basel & FMI • Switzerland

Luca Scorrano
University of Padova – VIMM • Italy


Thomas Helleday
University of Sheffield • United Kingdom

Michael Wegner
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg • Germany


Steve Jackson
Gurdon Institute • United Kingdom

Georg Winter
CeMM • Austria


Ben Lehner
CRG • Spain

Thomas Wollert
Institut Pasteur • France


Elizabeth Murchison
University of Cambridge • United Kingdom

*Status: May 2020



Eppendorf AG, Barkhausenweg 1, 22339 Hamburg
E-Mail: award25years@eppendorf.de

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