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Why Your Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes Should be Tubeless
Dr. Stefanie Rösel Akademia laboratoryjna
- Pharma
- Zdrowie i medycyna
- Pipetowanie i dozowanie
- Odtwarzalność
- Ergonomia
- Eksperyment
We'll show you why and how a tubeless system in your pipettes supports user-safety and maximum efficiency, as well as precision and accuracy.
Are superior sample and user-safety, and maximum efficiency obligatory for your daily work? You should then take a closer look at the "internal organs" of your adjustable tip spacing pipettes! We'll show you why and how a tubeless system supports safety as well as precision and accuracy.
Adjustable tip spacing pipettes are currently the most revolutionary pipettes on the market. Variable cone distances allow fast and easy format changes and multiple samples' simultaneous pipetting between different vessel formats.
To date, the technology of adjustable tip spacing pipettes is based on a tubing system that connects cones and pistons. However, this technique involves the risk of leaks at the joints, which can lead to air aspiration, thereby compromising precision and accuracy. It also does not allow autoclaving of the pipettes, which is essential for protecting samples and users.
Perhaps you also bend yourself or your hand to read the display and pipette. You are not alone. To avoid pipetting errors, rotation of the plate is generally not the preferred method, as this impairs the readability of row and column labels. However, straight alignment of the plate often requires a rather unergonomic hand position and minor user-safety.
Recently, tubeless adjustable tip spacing pipettes have come onto the market that takes these circumstances into account. In a pipette, without tube connections, the piston-cylinder system and the nose cone are directly connected. This feature offers many advantages in comparison to pipettes with a tubing system:
Adjustable tip spacing pipettes are currently the most revolutionary pipettes on the market. Variable cone distances allow fast and easy format changes and multiple samples' simultaneous pipetting between different vessel formats.
To date, the technology of adjustable tip spacing pipettes is based on a tubing system that connects cones and pistons. However, this technique involves the risk of leaks at the joints, which can lead to air aspiration, thereby compromising precision and accuracy. It also does not allow autoclaving of the pipettes, which is essential for protecting samples and users.
Perhaps you also bend yourself or your hand to read the display and pipette. You are not alone. To avoid pipetting errors, rotation of the plate is generally not the preferred method, as this impairs the readability of row and column labels. However, straight alignment of the plate often requires a rather unergonomic hand position and minor user-safety.
The Benefits of Going Tubeless
Recently, tubeless adjustable tip spacing pipettes have come onto the market that takes these circumstances into account. In a pipette, without tube connections, the piston-cylinder system and the nose cone are directly connected. This feature offers many advantages in comparison to pipettes with a tubing system:
1. Autoclavability
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Autoclavation is essential to minimize the risk of contamination. Mechanical tubeless adjustable tip spacing pipettes are fully autoclavable, for electronic models, only the lower pipette part. You can reduce the contamination risk and ensure the sample's and the user's integrity.
2. Fewer Potential Leaking Points
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The absence of tubes reduces essential influencing factors for leaks. Tubing-porosity and cable tangle is a thing of the past. Internal moving parts and joints often give rise to wear and tear. In a tubeless system, the overall number of moving parts is therefore reduced. Your benefit is a durable and robust pipette, less prone to get damaged, and higher precision and accuracy.
3. Superior Ergonomics with 360°-Rotatable Pipette Head
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The pipette head can turn 360° as there are no tube connections. As a result, your safety is more likely to be maintained, since individual adjustments to the display at any time promote comfortable readability in any position. You can quickly identify all parameters, save valuable time, and maintain a relaxed body posture. Your hand will be grateful too because it can remain in an ergonomic position, as you can adapt the pipette's lower part separately to load either columns or rows.
To enjoy the significant advantages of adjustable tip spacing pipettes, you should keep in mind the factors of safety and precision, and accuracy. Tubeless systems support sample safety as they are autoclavable. Fewer potentially leaking parts ensure the highest precision and accuracy. Maintaining an ergonomic body posture and a relaxed hand is no longer wishful thinking as the pipette head can turn on its axis. Let's go!
To enjoy the significant advantages of adjustable tip spacing pipettes, you should keep in mind the factors of safety and precision, and accuracy. Tubeless systems support sample safety as they are autoclavable. Fewer potentially leaking parts ensure the highest precision and accuracy. Maintaining an ergonomic body posture and a relaxed hand is no longer wishful thinking as the pipette head can turn on its axis. Let's go!
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