
Always well informed

Since 1993, BioNews has been providing you with interesting facts worth knowing about new products or application fields as well as tips and application notes. New since 2016 is our LifeScienceStyle magazine Off the Bench packed with exciting and entertaining information about the lab scene, interviews, city tips and more.

Since 1993, Eppendorf BioNews has been a respected and popular source of information for researchers and scientific staff. It contains reports on new products or application fields, tips and news as well as useful application notes from Eppendorf application specialists or guest authors. The magazine is published twice a year and can be subscribed free of charge or read online.

Hot off the press since November 2016: the Eppendorf LifeScienceStyle Magazine “Off the Bench”. Twice a year, we compile intriguing and entertaining information from the laboratory scene for you, conduct interviews and introduce a new city.