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Save 25 % until October 31!
Unlock Bioprocess Potential - Save 25 % until October 31
BioFlo® 320 - Universal bench-scale controller for cell culture and microbial applications
Take your bioprocess to the next level with the BioFlo 320 bioprocess controller:
Seamlessly transfer your bioprocess from 400 mL to 40 L on a single platform. Profit from smart software features to reduce process risks, and best support your application with its powerful capabilities. Learn more about the BioFlo 320 .
Seamlessly transfer your bioprocess from 400 mL to 40 L on a single platform. Profit from smart software features to reduce process risks, and best support your application with its powerful capabilities. Learn more about the BioFlo 320 .
Benefit from a 25 % discount on BioFlo 320 bioprocess controllers