Local Distributors

Eppendorf South Pacific Pty. Ltd.
Level 1, 97 Waterloo Road
Macquarie Park, NSW 2113
Phone: +61 2 98 89 50 00
Fax: +61 2 98 89 51 11
E-Mail: info@eppendorf.com.au
Web: www.eppendorf.com.au
- All
Rowe Australia Pty Ltd
Authorised Reseller
11 Challenge Boulevard
Wangara WA 6065
Phone: +61 8 9302 1911
E-Mail: rowewa@rowe.com.au
Web: www.rowe.com.au
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- PCR consumables
Thermo Fisher Scientific Australia Pty Ltd
Authorised Reseller
PO Box 9092
Scoresby VIC 3179
Phone: +61 1300 735 292
Web: www.thermofisher.com.au
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- PCR consumables
Authorised Distributor
13 Tooronga Avenue
Edwardstown, SA 5039
*only for sales in SA, NT and TAS
Phone: +61 8 8277 1541
Fax: +61 8 8277 3311
E-Mail: sales@southerncrossscience.com.au
Web: www.southerncrossscience.com.au
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- PCR consumables
Authorised Reseller
8 – 10 Trade Park Drive
Tullamarine, VIC 3043
Phone: 1800008453
Fax: +61 3 9359 4133
E-Mail: sales.au@bio-strategy.com
Web: www.bio-strategy.com
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- PCR consumables