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CellXpert® C170i - Cell Culture Incubator
Award-winning design

Nowy inkubator do hodowli komórek CellXpert® C170i - Opracowany i produkowany w Hamburgu, Niemcy
Stackable with stacking kit

Większa objętość, ta sama powierzchnia: Ustawianie piętrowe CellXpert® C170i i C170
VisioNize® touch interface

Pełna kontrola i łatwa dokumentacja z użyciem intuicyjnego i łatwego w obsłudze interfejsu użytkownika VisioNize®.
CellXpert C170i cell culture incubator with segmented inner door

Optymalna ochrona: Opcjonalne drzwi wewnętrzne 4/8-segmentowe
Optional copper kit for critical parts

W przypadku najważniejszych elementów dostępny jest zestaw miedziany: Taca na wodę i półki (dostępna jest również komora miedziana)
Temperature and CO2 Recovery in CellXpert® C170i Incubator

Szybkie przywracanie warunków atmosferycznych w < 5 min po otwarciu drzwi, bez przekraczania nastawy
Graph - Significantly reduced CO2 consumption

Redukuj koszty z użyciem naszego inkubatora do hodowli komórek CellXpert®
Step-by-step instructions for standardized incubator cleaning

W celu standaryzacji czyszczenia: Krótkie, jasne i ilustrowane instrukcje krok po kroku
Robust and ergonomic outer door handle

Pewny i wygodny chwyt: Nowatorska, solidna i ergonomiczna rączka drzwi zewnętrznych
Easy to remove water tray

Brak zaworów, które trudno opróżnić: Taca na wodę, którą można łatwo wyjąć i ponownie napełnić, zawiera oddzielny obwód grzejny (opcjonalny monitoring poziomu wody i taca miedziana)
Magnetic, dual direction inner door latch

Nowy magnetyczny system zamykania: Dwukierunkowy zatrzaska drzwi wewnętrznych
CellXpert® C170i CO2 Incubator from Eppendorf - Easy cleaning, reliable contamination prevention
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Product Information
Cell culture incubator CellXpert® – Culture of TomorrowAre you looking for a 170 L cell culture incubator that is easy to clean and delivers optimized growth conditions, even for your sensitive cells? The GMP/GLP-compatible CellXpert C170i is more than just that. It also helps to reduce the running costs of your lab significantly and it provides flexibility for different future lab setups and applications – with many in-field upgradeable options.
CellXpert C170i
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Cell culture incubator CellXpert® _ Culture of Tomorrow
Today's cell culture requires more than technical solutions for optimized growth conditions and efficient contamination prevention.
The CellXpert® CO2 incubator family are the first cell culture incubators engineered and produced by Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany. They were designed with the needs of modern industrial and academic cell culture labs in mind - to reduce time-to-market or publication with minimal efforts and resources. The development of the CellXpert® family integrates e.g. the learnings from decades of using standard fan-assisted cell culture incubators in cell culture labs. They are the perfect partner for demanding applications like assay-development or culture of stem cells, primary cells or tissues. Read more and see more videos and papers below.
Learn more: Video – Easy cleaning and reliable contamination prevention with CellXpert CO2 incubators
Main features
• Certified 180 °C sterilization routine: incl. downloadable protocol
• Uniform atmosphere: Dual-channel IR-sensor (no TC-sensor), temperature uniformity verified (ISO 12880:2007-05), temperature and CO2 recovery after door opening < 5 min
• Effective contamination protection: Removable water tray for safe and easy weekly cleaning and refill according to good cell culture practice
• Easy cleaning: Stainless-steel chamber without seams, fan, ducts, covers etc.
• Save money: Up to 25 % more usable space by fanless design, 4 shelves (max. load per shelf: 10 kg/22 lbs) + 2 access ports included, no costly internal expendable parts like fan-associated HEPA-filters that require bi-annual replacement
• Low gas consumption: <1 L CO2/24 h (5 % CO2, w/o door opening)
• Retrofit options: O2 control, door handle position, rH/water level monitoring, segmented inner doors
• GMP/cleanroom-compatible: ISO class 4/Grade A cleanroom certified (ISO 14644-1), cytotoxicity test of materials: passed (ISO 10993-5:2009), customized tasks and alerts, user management, IQ/OQ GxP Service and more
Today's cell culture requires more than technical solutions for optimized growth conditions and efficient contamination prevention.
The CellXpert® CO2 incubator family are the first cell culture incubators engineered and produced by Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany. They were designed with the needs of modern industrial and academic cell culture labs in mind - to reduce time-to-market or publication with minimal efforts and resources. The development of the CellXpert® family integrates e.g. the learnings from decades of using standard fan-assisted cell culture incubators in cell culture labs. They are the perfect partner for demanding applications like assay-development or culture of stem cells, primary cells or tissues. Read more and see more videos and papers below.
Learn more: Video – Easy cleaning and reliable contamination prevention with CellXpert CO2 incubators
Main features
• Certified 180 °C sterilization routine: incl. downloadable protocol
• Uniform atmosphere: Dual-channel IR-sensor (no TC-sensor), temperature uniformity verified (ISO 12880:2007-05), temperature and CO2 recovery after door opening < 5 min
• Effective contamination protection: Removable water tray for safe and easy weekly cleaning and refill according to good cell culture practice
• Easy cleaning: Stainless-steel chamber without seams, fan, ducts, covers etc.
• Save money: Up to 25 % more usable space by fanless design, 4 shelves (max. load per shelf: 10 kg/22 lbs) + 2 access ports included, no costly internal expendable parts like fan-associated HEPA-filters that require bi-annual replacement
• Low gas consumption: <1 L CO2/24 h (5 % CO2, w/o door opening)
• Retrofit options: O2 control, door handle position, rH/water level monitoring, segmented inner doors
• GMP/cleanroom-compatible: ISO class 4/Grade A cleanroom certified (ISO 14644-1), cytotoxicity test of materials: passed (ISO 10993-5:2009), customized tasks and alerts, user management, IQ/OQ GxP Service and more

Easy cleaning, reliable contamination prevention
Prevention of lab downtime and sample loss is essential for you to deliver cell culture results in time? You cannot afford to spend too much time and money on standardized cleaning of your cell culture incubator, documentation or on changing costly, non-sterilizable, fan-associated HEPA filters?
Contamination prevention with CellXpert® CO2 incubators follows a simple concept: If it's easy to do, it's more likely to get done.
• 180 °C high temperature disinfection with illustrated step-by-step instructions on screen and downloadable performance protocol for standardized procedures
• Minimal internal incubator parts removed in 40 s and wiped quickly
• Nowhere to hide for contaminants and cleaned fast: Smooth, seamless incubator chamber
• Fanless design
• No non-sterilizable fan-associated HEPA filters that can become potential contamination sources
• Options for copper and segmented inner doors for additional protection
Learn more: Video – Easy cleaning and reliable contamination prevention with CellXpert CO2 incubators