- Services pour bioprocédés
- Services pour centrifugeuse et rotors
- Service pour pipette
- Services pour Mastercycler
- Services pour automates de pipetage
- Services pour congélateurs
- Services pour incubateurs
- Services pour agitateurs
- Services pour appareils de photométrie
- Service de contrôle de la température et de l’agitation
- Services pour bioprocédés
- Services pour centrifugeuse et rotors
- Service pour pipette
- Services pour Mastercycler
- Services pour automates de pipetage
- Services pour congélateurs
- Services pour incubateurs
- Services pour agitateurs
- Services pour appareils de photométrie
- Service de contrôle de la température et de l’agitation
- Centrifugeuses de paillasse
- Centrifugeuses au sol
- Centrifugeuses réfrigérées
- Microcentrifugeuses
- Centrifugeuses multi-fonctions
- Centrifugeuses haute vitesse
- Ultracentrifugeuses
- Concentrateur
- High-Speed and Ultracentrifugation Consumables
- Accessoires
- Tubes
- Plaques
- Gestion des appareils
- Gestion des échantillons et des informations
- Produits IVD

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For a livable world – today and tomorrow
Our mission “to improve human living conditions” requires us to positively transform the Eppendorf Group to operate safely within the planetary boundaries and respecting humanity: we shall become climate neutral, minimize the use of natural resources, and improve human well-being throughout our value creation.
You use single-use plastic for many types of experiments in the lab: You pipette your cell culture media from a bottle made of PET using pipette tips made of polypropene (PP) to grow your cell culture on plates made of polycarbonate (PC) or polystyrene (PS). Plastic entered the lab many years ago and remained in place for good reasons.

Knowledge: Articles and Downloads
Our mission “to improve human living conditions” requires us to positively transform the Eppendorf Group to operate safely within the planetary boundaries and respecting humanity: we shall become climate neutral, minimize the use of natural resources, and improve human well-being throughout our value creation. Learn more about it!
Discover the International Laboratory Freezer Challenge
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The International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) and My Green Lab partner to reward the best concept to improve cold storage regarding sustainability:
The annual Laboratory Freezer Challenge It’s easy to participate – ULT freezer users are invited to compete with colleagues from around the globe. The users can earn points by taking actions from Good Management Practices, Temperature Tuning, and other areas, as well as for sharing information about best practices. Awards will be given to those who have done the most to save energy and improve their sample storage.
As major global freezer supplier, Eppendorf sponsors this challenge since 2018 to support improving the sustainability of ULT storage in the labs.
More information in the Freezer Challenge at https://www.freezerchallenge.org/