The Eppendorf Video Guide to Perfecting Your Pipetting Technique
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Episode 1: How to Pipette in 5 Simple Steps
In the first episode of the Pipetting Tutorials with Eppendorf series, you’ll be going back to the fundamental principles underlying good pipetting technique when using mechanical air-cushion pipettes (such as the Eppendorf Research® plus or Eppendorf Reference® 2) . With five simple and easy to follow steps that can be applied to nearly all pipetting applications, this video is packed full of useful tips and tricks – like pre-wetting your pipette tip!
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If you’ve mastered the single-channel pipette but your thumbs are getting tired filling 96-well plates, fear not, the multi-channel pipette is here to make your work faster and more ergonomic. Discover how to choose the best multi-channel pipette and some helpful hints on how to use it effectively to boost productivity in your lab.
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It’s no secret that Eppendorf Xplorer® electronic pipettes are a simple solution to boosting efficiency. But this isn’t their only benefit. From superior ergonomics to better reproducibility, electronic pipettes are transforming the modern laboratory. In this video, you’ll discover all the reasons why it’s time to make the move to electronic pipetting.
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From viscous and volatile to oily and foaming, some liquids just won’t behave when it comes to pipetting them. But arm yourself with a few tips and tricks from this video and the right tools and techniques and you’ll be able to master these challenging liquids with ease.
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We know that pipettes are one of the most used and most important instruments in the lab so taking care of them should be top of your priority list. While sending it off to a professional maintenance and calibration provider like epServices at least once a year is a must, we’ll cover the things you can do yourself to keep your pipettes in tip top condition.
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Pipette tips are the Robin to the pipette’s Batman. The Watson to its Sherlock. The Shaggy to its Scooby-Doo. Essentially, both parts need to be right for the job to ensure the best results. In the penultimate part to this video series, we’ll show you all the different types of pipette and dispenser tips – and, most importantly, how to choose the right one for your application.
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If you’re not sure about the difference between a bottle-top dispenser (like the Varispenser® 2/2x ) and a bottle-top burette (such as the Eppendorf Top Buret® ), this video was made for you. And even if you already know the difference, this video is crammed with tips on how best to operate bottle-top dispensers. Check it out!
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