- Services pour bioprocédés
- Services pour centrifugeuse et rotors
- Services pour Mastercycler
- Services pour automates de pipetage
- Services pour congélateurs
- Services pour incubateurs
- Services pour agitateurs
- Services pour appareils de photométrie
- Service de contrôle de la température et de l’agitation
- Service pour pipette
- Services pour bioprocédés
- Services pour centrifugeuse et rotors
- Services pour Mastercycler
- Services pour automates de pipetage
- Services pour congélateurs
- Services pour incubateurs
- Services pour agitateurs
- Services pour appareils de photométrie
- Service de contrôle de la température et de l’agitation
- Service pour pipette
- Centrifugeuses de paillasse
- Centrifugeuses au sol
- Centrifugeuses réfrigérées
- Microcentrifugeuses
- Centrifugeuses multi-fonctions
- Centrifugeuses haute vitesse
- Ultracentrifugeuses
- Concentrateur
- High-Speed and Ultracentrifugation Consumables
- Accessoires
- Tubes
- Plaques
- Gestion des appareils
- Gestion des échantillons et des informations
- Produits IVD

Your Project Matters.
For the big picture that the world sometimes doesn't even notice – or appreciate.
We want to change that! This is why we at Eppendorf have the mission to be a strong partner alongside scientists who dedicate their lives to scientific research.
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Support matters
You spend hours in the lab working on new protocols, optimizing single steps in a workflow or taking care of your samples. We want to support you in this daily lablife with background knowledge, tipps and tricks, interesting facts and assistance. Read, watch and learn about many lab applications and tools to improve your scientific routine.

Your work matters
Your daily research creates the foundation for new discoveries which lead humanity into new eras. You work tirelessly day and night, stay motivated and focused on your work every day. For the big picture that the world sometimes doesn't even notice - or appreciate. We want to change that! This is why we at Eppendorf have the mission to be a strong partner alongside scientists who dedicate their lives to scientific research.

What about Your Project?
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