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Entdecken Sie unsere Eppendorf-Bioprozess-Produkte! Das Portfolio an Bioprozess-Produkten von Eppendorf umfasst skalierbare Bioreaktorsysteme, Softwarelösungen, Verbrauchsartikel und Services, die den Anforderungen der Bioprozessentwicklung bis hin zur Produktion gerecht werden. Wir bieten unseren Nutzern aus Industrie und Forschung schon seit Jahrzehnten Bioprozess-Equipment, das höchste Qualitätsansprüche erfüllt, aus einer Hand. Unser Bestreben ist, die Entwicklung lebensrettende Behandlungen zu unterstützen. Mit unseren Bioprozess-Produkten und unserer Unternehmensmission unterstützen wir das Ziel von Eppendorf-Kunden auf der ganzen Welt, die Lebensbedingungen der Menschen zu verbessern.

Special offer for selected BioFlo® 320 controllers!

Fast delivery, special price. Visit our eshop and inquire to learn more!

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Beyond the product to scientific solutions - Discover Eppendorf Bioprocess

Discover application solutions, expert knowledge, and product information for a range of areas: Development of cell and gene therapies, upstream bioprocess development for antibodies, vaccines, and modern food, as well as microbial production. Benefit from the knowledge of bioprocess experts and get in touch with us.

Product update: Bioprocess Autosampler

With the Bioprocess Autosampler you can gain better bioprocess data with less effort. It takes samples from multiple bioreactors and stores them tempered for later analysis.

  • New features: Suitable for cell culture applications, bolus addition, compatibility with bench-scale bioprocess controllers
  • Enables regular, automated sampling 24/7
  • Saves space, because no sterile hood is necessary for operation
  • Keeps you flexible, because it is compatible with differently sized glass and single-use bioreactors

Service for your bioprocess equipment

As with all complex technical systems, Eppendorf bioprocess equipment should be maintained regularly to keep all parts in good working order. This maintenance avoids cost-intensive down times and contributes to preservation of value.

Eppendorf Bioprocess Performance Plans help you to maintain the optimal performance of your equipment over years of frequent use.