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,   Allemagne
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You will receive extra epPoints for registering your Eppendorf products so that you can reach your favorite reward even faster!

Here’s how: instead of just 100 epPoints® , you will now receive for example …
  • 200 epPoints® for registering an Eppendorf Centrifuge 5702,
  • up to 300 epPoints® for an Eppendorf Mastercycler® ,
  • up to 300 epPoints® for an Eppendorf Innova® Shaker,
  • and up to 500 epPoints® for an epMotion® model!

You can find an overview of all participating Eppendorf products in the FAQs .

Registering your Eppendorf products has become even more worthwhile! Get started now and secure your epPoints® .

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Mon centre d’entretien des pipettes

Commander en ligne facilement et rapidement tout en profitant de nombreux avantages

  • Service de rappel
Ne ratez plus votre prochain étalonnage

  • Transparent
Informations sur l’historique complet de votre pipette

  • L’étalonnage que vous voulez
DIN EN ISO, Eppendorf SOP ou vos propres spécifications