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Eppendorf Livestream -- Implementing Laboratory Digitization and Digital Transformation Practices


Digitized laboratories are characterized by information resource sharing, paperless processing, automated data collection and intelligent analysis. These can help laboratories improve their quality management methods, standardize laboratory management processes, realize the analysis and application of laboratory big-data, and enhance user service satisfaction.

While these many advantages help to explain the current trend toward laboratory digitization, the idea of a "digital transformation" is still a new proposition for many laboratories. A lack of mature experience in the matter can make for a difficult transition.

At the heart of the digital transformation of laboratories is a process for helping laboratories form valuable digital assets, i.e. data whose value can be trusted and ultimately empowering.Eppendorf is introducing new digital instruments to ensure the authenticity, completeness, accuracy and traceability of data, thereby injecting the driving force of unprecedented technology into R&D and testing laboratories.Focusing on the digitization of intelligent laboratories, Eppendorf has invited special guests from the industry to come discuss ways and solutions to improve the success rate of laboratory digital transformation.

Topic 1: A brief analysis of laboratory digitization development and the components of its implementation
Lecturer:Professor Lu, special guest from zyt.ouryao.com.com
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Topic 2: A Digitally Intelligent Future -- Laboratory Digitization Practices

LecturerLi Jie, Eppendorf Senior Marketing Manager
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