Lab Shakers
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1946년 최초의 lab shaker가 출시된 이후 New Brunswick shaker는 업계에서 가장 널리 사용되는 제품 중 하나가 되었습니다. Eppendorf의 뛰어난 품질을 보장하는 New Brunswick lab shaker는 전 세계의 거의 모든 시장을 선도하고 있습니다.
Eppendorf의 lab shaker는 최고 품질의 재료, 우수한 디자인, 정밀한 제조 기술을 통해 오랫동안 일관되고 안정적인 성능을 보장합니다.
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Incubated lab shakers
If the growth atmosphere needs to be controlled (e.g. temperature and photosynthetic light) and medium or high throughput is needed, an incubated lab shaker is necessary. Usually, incubated lab shakers are grouped based on any of the following criteria:
- Temperature control: cooling for a minimum of 4 °C, heating for a maximum of 80 °C
- Speed range (25 – 500 rpm)
- Position in the lab (benchtop, under bench or stackable floor models)
- Stackability (2- or 3-fold)
- Capacity and throughput: vessel type, size and capacity
- Mode of loading (front vs. top loading)
- CO2 control
- Photosynthetic light

Flask clamps for lab shakers
Eppendorf flask clamps for lab shakers are made of a single piece stainless-steel construction (not spot welded or riveted) for added strength and safety. All flask clamps come with coiled wire springs for added safety and stability at higher shaking speeds. Flasks clamps for 2, 2.8, 4 and 6 L and higher volumes come with an extra girdle for added security.
Available clamps for lab shakers:
- Erlenmeyer flask clamps (10 mL – 6 L)
- 2.8 L Fernbach flask clamps
- 2 L Lauber Thompson flask clamps

Biological Shaker Service
Eppendorf offers a choice of preventive maintenance services and service agreement options for consistent instrument performance and confidence in safety.
New: Global Biological Shaker Service Agreements from cost-efficient to all-inclusive care packages for easier service process, maximized uptime, and peace of mind!