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Eppendorf Group opens site in South Africa
- Publikacje prasowe
Hamburg/Johannesburg, February 16, 2024 – The globally active Eppendorf Group is ex-panding its presence by opening a new location in South Africa. The branch office is locat-ed in Johannesburg's economic center "Waterfall City" and offers attractive office work-places for sales and service activities, a modern pipette calibration laboratory including a service workshop and a customer experience center showcasing Eppendorf instruments. High quality laboratory services are offered here, including customer training and instru-ments maintenance services.
- Johannesburg is now the hub for all Southern African countries. In addition to South
Africa; Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Angola, Madagascar, Swaziland, Malawi and Mauritius are served from here - Targeted strengthening of customer centricity with high-tech laboratory for pipette calibration and comprehensive range of high-quality laboratory services
- Even faster and more reliable delivery thanks to a new central warehouse for Southern Africa
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"South Africa has some of the world's leading research institutes on the continent, which is why Eppendorf is deliberately opening its first African site in Johannesburg," explains Dr. Thomas Kel-ler, Senior Vice President Market Region Asia Pacific Africa. "Eppendorf's products have been used in laboratories around the world for decades. In Africa, our products were previously only available through distribution partners. With our own modern location, we are completing our global presence and are now represented on all inhabited continents of the world. With this in-vestment, we are once again strengthening our customer proximity in the region and can even better participate in the growth of the life science industry in Africa."
Customer centricity through local proximity
Eppendorf's new location is in the economic center of Johannesburg. Waterfall City is home to nu-merous international companies from leading sectors, including the life science industry. In addi-tion to 650 square meters of modern office space, the new location offers a service center equipped for repairs of all Eppendorf devices. Calibrations and validations are also offered in the state-of-the-art calibration laboratory. Customers and partners throughout the region will now re-ceive scientific and technical support in the specially equipped Customer Experience Center.
"From Johannesburg, we support our customers in the fields of science, research, healthcare, pharmaceuticals and industry even better by offering them the appropriate products and services locally. This will benefit not only South Africa, but also eleven other Southern African countries. Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Angola, Madagascar, Swaziland, Malawi, and Mauritius are also served from Johannesburg," continues Dr. Thomas Keller. "This in-creased customer proximity also includes the establishment of a modern and new central ware-house for Southern Africa, which is also located in Johannesburg."
About the Eppendorf Group
Eppendorf is a leading life science company that develops, produces, and distributes systems for use in laboratories around the world. Divided into the business units Liquid Handling, Consumables, Separation & Instrumentation, and Bioprocess, the product portfolio includes, for example, pipettes, pipette tips, centrifuges, mixers, and ULT freezers. In addition, Ep-pendorf offers a wide range of high-quality consumables and solutions for digital laboratory processes. The Eppendorf Innovation Company (EpIC) division identifies and develops entire-ly new, future-oriented business opportunities for the Eppendorf group.
Eppendorf products are used in academic or industrial research laboratories, for example in companies in the pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical, and food industries. But Eppendorf products are also used in clinical or environmental analysis laboratories, in forensics, and in industrial laboratories for process analysis, production, and quality assurance.
Eppendorf has been active since 1945, is headquartered in Hamburg, and employs more than 5,000 people worldwide. The Group generated total sales of 1.23 billion euros in 2022 and has subsidiaries with employees in 33 countries. In addition, Eppendorf is represented by sales partners on all continents and in all important markets.
Media contact:
Dr. Ralph Esper
Eppendorf Group SE & Co. KG
Barkhausenweg 1
22339 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 538 01-195
Mobil: +49 170 79 80 778
Customer centricity through local proximity
Eppendorf's new location is in the economic center of Johannesburg. Waterfall City is home to nu-merous international companies from leading sectors, including the life science industry. In addi-tion to 650 square meters of modern office space, the new location offers a service center equipped for repairs of all Eppendorf devices. Calibrations and validations are also offered in the state-of-the-art calibration laboratory. Customers and partners throughout the region will now re-ceive scientific and technical support in the specially equipped Customer Experience Center.
"From Johannesburg, we support our customers in the fields of science, research, healthcare, pharmaceuticals and industry even better by offering them the appropriate products and services locally. This will benefit not only South Africa, but also eleven other Southern African countries. Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Angola, Madagascar, Swaziland, Malawi, and Mauritius are also served from Johannesburg," continues Dr. Thomas Keller. "This in-creased customer proximity also includes the establishment of a modern and new central ware-house for Southern Africa, which is also located in Johannesburg."
About the Eppendorf Group
Eppendorf is a leading life science company that develops, produces, and distributes systems for use in laboratories around the world. Divided into the business units Liquid Handling, Consumables, Separation & Instrumentation, and Bioprocess, the product portfolio includes, for example, pipettes, pipette tips, centrifuges, mixers, and ULT freezers. In addition, Ep-pendorf offers a wide range of high-quality consumables and solutions for digital laboratory processes. The Eppendorf Innovation Company (EpIC) division identifies and develops entire-ly new, future-oriented business opportunities for the Eppendorf group.
Eppendorf products are used in academic or industrial research laboratories, for example in companies in the pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical, and food industries. But Eppendorf products are also used in clinical or environmental analysis laboratories, in forensics, and in industrial laboratories for process analysis, production, and quality assurance.
Eppendorf has been active since 1945, is headquartered in Hamburg, and employs more than 5,000 people worldwide. The Group generated total sales of 1.23 billion euros in 2022 and has subsidiaries with employees in 33 countries. In addition, Eppendorf is represented by sales partners on all continents and in all important markets.
Media contact:
Dr. Ralph Esper
Eppendorf Group SE & Co. KG
Barkhausenweg 1
22339 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 538 01-195
Mobil: +49 170 79 80 778
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