- Challenges and Chances: A Review of the 1st Stem Cell Community Day
- Summertime, and the Livin’ Is Easy…
- Follow-on-Biologics – More than Simple Generics
- Bacteria Versus Body Cells: A 1:1 Tie
- Behind the Crime Scene: How Biological Traces Can Help to Convict Offenders
- Every 3 Seconds Someone in the World Is Affected by Alzheimer's
- HIV – It’s Still Not Under Control…
- How Many Will Be Convicted This Time?
- Malaria – the Battle is Not Lost
- Physicians on Standby: The Annual Flu Season Can Be Serious
- At the Forefront in Fighting Cancer
- Molecular Motors: Think Small and yet Smaller Again…
- Liquid Biopsy: Novel Methods May Ease Cancer Detection and Therapy
- They Are Invisible, Sneaky and Disgusting – But Today It’s Their Special Day!
- How Many Cells Are in Your Body? Probably More Than You Think!
- What You Need to Know about Antibiotic Resistance – Findings, Facts and Good Intentions
- Why Do Old Men Have Big Ears?
- The Condemned Live Longer: A Potential Paradigm Shift in Genetics
- From Research to Commerce
- Chronobiology – How the Cold Seasons Influence Our Biorhythms
- Taskforce Microbots: Targeted Treatment from Inside the Body
- Eyes on Cancer Therapy
- Challenges and Chances: A Review of the 1st Stem Cell Community Day
- Summertime, and the Livin’ Is Easy…
- Follow-on-Biologics – More than Simple Generics
- Bacteria Versus Body Cells: A 1:1 Tie
- Behind the Crime Scene: How Biological Traces Can Help to Convict Offenders
- Every 3 Seconds Someone in the World Is Affected by Alzheimer's
- HIV – It’s Still Not Under Control…
- How Many Will Be Convicted This Time?
- Malaria – the Battle is Not Lost
- Physicians on Standby: The Annual Flu Season Can Be Serious
- At the Forefront in Fighting Cancer
- Molecular Motors: Think Small and yet Smaller Again…
- Liquid Biopsy: Novel Methods May Ease Cancer Detection and Therapy
- They Are Invisible, Sneaky and Disgusting – But Today It’s Their Special Day!
- How Many Cells Are in Your Body? Probably More Than You Think!
- What You Need to Know about Antibiotic Resistance – Findings, Facts and Good Intentions
- Why Do Old Men Have Big Ears?
- The Condemned Live Longer: A Potential Paradigm Shift in Genetics
- From Research to Commerce
- Chronobiology – How the Cold Seasons Influence Our Biorhythms
- Taskforce Microbots: Targeted Treatment from Inside the Body
- Eyes on Cancer Therapy
Multipette® E3/Multipette® E3x - 電動ポジティブディスプレイスメントピペット
Multipette® E3x electronic multi-dispenser by Eppendorf

Fill plates or long series of tubes without strain thanks to the light weight and easy operation of this Multipette®.
Multipette® E3/E3x multi-dispensers are ideal to quickly fill plates

Lightweight and ergonomic, the Multipette® E3 or E3x electronic multi-dispenser pipette is the ideal solution for filling plates or large series of tubes.
The well-organized display of the Multipette® E3/E3x electronic multi-dispenser pipette from Eppendorf

Multipette E3x
The range of Combitips® advanced dispenser tips offer a wide spectrum of possibilities

Combitips® advancedピペットチップは、EppendorfのMultipette®に合わせて最適に設計されており、9種類(0.1 mL~50 mL)の容量サイズから選べます。
Multipette® E3/E3x multi-dispenser with an assortment of fitting Combitips® advanced positive displacement pipette tips

In combination with Combitips® advanced, the Multipette® E3/E3x multi-dispensers are the ideal electronic pipettes for all types and volumes of liquids.
Pipette Holder 2 with a Multipette® E3x multi-dispenser from Eppendorf

The Multipette® E3/E3x electronic multi-dispenser pipette can be easily mounted on a wall.
The Pipette Carousel 2 holding Eppendorf Xplorer®, Multipette® E3x and Eppendorf Research® plus pipettes

The Eppendorf Pipette Holder System stores all current Eppendorf pipettes (including the Multipette®) and most of their predecessors.
Multipette® E3x Electronic Multi-Dispenser Held By Scientist (Product Close-Up)

With low weight, an ideal hand balance and easy-to-reach operating buttons, the Multipette® E3x electronic multi-dispenser is highly ergonomic
Female scientist using a Multipette® E3x multi-dispenser to quickly fill a microplate

The Multipette® E3(x) electronic positive displacement dispenser pipettes are ideal for stress-free, long series repetitive dispensing due to their lightweight, ergonomic design, and easy, motor driven action which reduces fatigue and the risk of repetitive strain injuries
Fill microplates with ease with the Multipette® E3x electronic multi-dispenser from Eppendorf

While the Multipette® E3 already meets many application needs with its three main operating modes Dispensing, Automatic Dispensing and Pipetting, the Multipette E3x comes with four additional modes: Sequential Dispensing, Aspiration, Aspiration/Dispensing, and Titration
Easily update the software of your Multipette® E3(x) with the Eppendorf Pipette Software Update Tool

Multipette® E3x connected to a laptop to run a software update
Using the Multipette® E3x pipette in the lab

Simply fill the tip once and accurately dispense up to 100 times without a refill using the Multipette® E3/E3x electronic multi-dispenser pipettes
Multipette® E3x pipette

Independent sustainability certification needed? ACT certification of My Green Lab for the Multipette® E3x pipette
Hands On! Using the electronic Multipette for the first time!

Multipette E3x: Features

Multipette E3x: Dispensing

Multipette E3x: Auto Dispensing

Multipette E3x: Pipetting

Multipette E3x: Multi-Aspirate

Multipette E3x: Aspirate and Dispense

Multipette E3x: Sequential Dispensing

Multipette E3x: Titrate

How to Pipette Challenging Liquids

Multipette E3/E3x 電動連続分注器を使用すると、液体の特性に関係なく、簡単かつ正確に分注できます。 このリピーターピペットは軽量で操作が簡単なので、プレートや長い一連のチューブに負担をかけずに充填できます。 Combitips® advancedの分注チップとViscoTip®の組み合わせで、あらゆる液体ハンドリングの理想的なパートナーとなります。Multipette® E3/E3x Multi-Dispenser Pipette